The realities of life aren’t always pleasant.  There are times in the lives of many girls, young women that abuses occur.  I remember incidents in my very own life that such became my own reality on a few different occasions.  I remember as a young girl being whistled at, being called names that were not appropriate for young girls to be called, and even incidents of being inappropriately touched.  I also remember an incident in which my very innocence was taken from me, stolen by a stranger.  That reality changed my very existence, changed even who I am as a woman today. There were many times I wondered why, how it could happen and why wasn’t I protected.  I would wonder why wasn’t someone there to keep me safe?  The feeling of not being safe followed me to adulthood.

A few years ago I was at a gathering in which many people I knew were present.  My brother was also present at this particular gathering. There was a time during this event that I stood talking to an individual and the inappropriate words that came from his mouth shocked me to my core and triggered a remembrance of an experience I hadn’t thought about in years.  While my brother didn’t hear what had been said, he noticed the look on my face and the change in my countenance.  He quickly called out to the individual and asked him what he’d said to me.  Of course there was no response by this person. Within seconds my little brother became my hero.  He became the voice of my defender that I longed for as a little girl.  He defended my honor, he stomped on the monster in my head by telling this inappropriate man that he’d better never speak to his sister to cause such a reaction to me again.  To my brother, my hero, thank you for being there for me.  Thank you for closing the door on my need to be defended, to be protected.

I dedicate this thought to all the young girls and women who didn’t have that hero step up to defend your honor.  We will never allow our spirits to be snuffed out by the ugliness of life.  Be strong and trust in God.  He will send you your hero or allow you to be your own hero!!!

4 thoughts on “My Hero”

  1. Wow! This is powerful, gives #familyfirst a new strength. My family has been my greatest cheerleaders, my team and my closest confidants. I didn’t always appreciate them though getting older I understand their significance more and better by and by 😘.

    1. supportadmin_1Rnw

      Yes, I agree Alicia. The strength of family means so much to me as well. Love my family! Thanks for the comment.

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